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What happens if the AI doesn’t know the answer to a follow-up question or objection?See how AiSDR handles unique and very tricky questions
Do you support any languages other than English?Check out how AiSDR helps you enter new markets
Is AiSDR for outbound or inbound sales?Which tracks can you automate?
What do you use to send emails?Means AiSDR gets your emails delivered to prospects' inboxes
Where does AiSDR get the information to answer follow-up questions or handle objections?How AiSDR handles meaningful conversations
What are AiSDR’s performance benchmarks?What can you expect from your first AI SDR
Which LLMs does AiSDR use?The underlying technology behind AiSDR
How do you make sure my emails don’t land in spam?Check out what we do to make sure your emails always hit the inbox
Can I edit the emails that the AI sends?Making sure AiSDR always says the right thing
Can I step in and respond instead of AiSDR?How can you approach AI conversations
In addition to email, are there any other channels I can use to reach out to leads?How to build an omni-channel outreach
Is there a limit to the number of follow-ups for a campaign?Send the right amount of taps on your prospects' doors
Will I be notified when a campaign ends?How to best stay on top of AI SDR performance
What if a campaign doesn’t convert a lead?How to get the AiSDR to perform to your expectations
What performance metrics do you track?Check out the data you can use for further decison-making
How many emails can I send per day?Check out how you can reach the expected velocity